"I will never be moved."
-Psalm 30:6
In this verse, David had long enjoyed prosperity and then
he grew secure and over-confident of the continuance of it (v.6-7).
He quickly caught himself and redirected his heart away from
self-sufficiency. He remembered that he had known adversity in the
past and God had delivered him."You have turned for me my mourning
into dancing" (v.11).
Whether He has brought us blessing or trial, God still deserves our
gratitude and trust. In good times and bad, our greatest need is God.
No matter our circumstances, let's sing to the Lord once again.
The pain of disappointment is often soothed by a heart of gratitude.
Thank God in your disappointment,
Celebrate His grace and love,
Know that, He will never leave you,
and will bless you from above.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
2 Corinthians 13:14
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